Sunday, February 24, 2013

         And The Oscar Goes....



Yes everyone it is Oscar night.I am making a bold prediction that Jennifer Lawerence walks away with Best Actress and De Niro walks away with Best Supporting Actor for both of ther parts in the movie,"Silver Linings Playbook" . And I bring this up for a couple of reasons on this Sunday evening.
The movie that both roles were a part of was a very good picture this year. I have not been a big movie goer in recent years because A) the movie makers are jusr rehashing some of the same garbage over and over and B) I would rather spend money on books and music for entertainment. But when I found out that this movie was about mental health and several facets of the disease I couldn't wait to get my popcorn and sneak in some Twizzlers and stick it to the man.
I was very happy and pleased that I saw this film in theatrical release. Bradley Cooper,who sadly won't walk away with an eight lb golden statue this evening was a great lead character.His name is Patrick.He just got home from a stay in an institution .I don't want to give the plot away for anyone who has yet to see this flick. He doesn't take his medicine and he really has no couth when it comes to interaction. His triggers for flying off the handle are quite amusing at times and I can sort of relate in a matter of  fact sort of way. We have all been in his shoes to a certain degree at times in our lives.
Enter Tiffany. Wonderfully played by tonite's Oscar winning leading lady, Jennifer Lawerence. Who in most opinions I have seen made this film.She plays a beautiful soul trying to rebuild her life and experiencing all five stages of greif, sometimes all together.This story some how seemed custom made for her.And she truly is the heroine of the story.
The thing I want everyone to take away from this is,that no matter how unrelenting the pain can be there can always be a silver lining.We have to work real hard to find it. But it is there.I can say this with certainty because I am going thru this with you right now. I am trying to find all the silver linings that I can.With everyone I find I get a foot closer to climbing out of the abyss that seems impossible to scale.And slippery as hell.But let me tell ya I don't wanna be on the bottom forever because I might just suffocate...Now where's the bus????

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Tour Rolls On....

Words like this are used by concert reviews and rock magazines.Not a blog guy with his first post.Especially when he his writing about depression and mental illness.But wait I am not your average blogger.And I don't view things the same as most people.Not that I am saying things that haven't been said or expressing views that you may have or have not heard.The difference is that like everyone else I am unique.That's a big step just for me to even try to say that.

Let me tell ya a little about myself. I am forty years old. A married father of one.Four if ya count pets.I have by some accounts a good job.But one that cultivates a culture of bullying and really doesn't care if it changes at all. I have suffered  from depression probably all my life.But when I was younger I could just keep my blue days in check to some degree.I really took break ups hard and loved all the sad music I could listen to.But I also loved to rage too.More on that in due time.I have a family member who suffers from schizoaffective disorder.I have had to deal with that fact my whole life and that played a huge part in my growing up.

I was diagnosed clinically by my primary in 2006 and have been on medication since.I recently suffered a bout that probably would have been the last one if not for my support system.My wife has been monumental in me getting help and pulling me up by my guitar strap.I have a beautiful child I want to see grow up also.It would be hard if I let those thoughts that I was having win.I have been barraged by stress in the last six months.Not to mention the medications I was taking that screwed me all up.It just plain sucked.

So I got the idea to do this.In coming weeks I will have all sorts of info and stuff for ya to check out.I will be doing reviews of self help products & programs.I will have a section about movies and music for ya to check out as well as other sites and blogs to see.We are in a very important fight at this juncture in America. Post Newtown and countless other rampages.Not to mention bullying and a world that thrives on everyones pain.We need as many voices and stories as we can piece together to undo the stigmas surrounding mental illness and bring to light that people are suffering needlessly.Possibly someone you know and love.

I hope ya join me on my tour to find the fix for my mojo and anyone else we can help on this road. Remember the road goes on forever and the streets are lined with the broken and weary.Help me find my way and I will help you find your's.Now, where's the bus????