Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Feel Like Shit...But At Least I

When Anders Friden of the Swedish band InFlames  screams out the line"I feel like shit,but at least I feel something." In the chorus of "Disconnected" from '08's "A Sense of Purpose" album I can feel it like someone had punched me in the gut.Yeah, that one I am growing. I didn't say it would pretty people!

I stopped drinking forty five days ago. Yes god dammit I am counting. I wish I didn't have to but sometimes we have to get away from things that we like to much. As I have explained to some of my closet friends in recent years. Moderation is not my strong suit. I don't have to say it again. You know what I am getting at. Now do I have a drinking problem? Yeah!. I must have if I can't stop at two and need six more after.

It's fucked up when you can't remeber the last time you hadn't had a beer in the last forty five days. I can tell you it has been a long,long time. Now look I am not here to tell anyone what to do. I have a hard time  when people try to do that with me. I would never tell someone to quit drinking because I have for now. I don't know from day to day if I may choose to drive to the bev and get a six pack of some real good micro brew. I have not done that yet. I did however have a sip of an IPA last night at dinner with some friends. I kept to my Diet Ppesi though after that sip. It tatsted very refreshing but I knew that I would have had a hard time just having one. And that sucks.

I share this because the last week has been one of those weeks you don't seem to take part in. After finding out that I would need fusion surgery on my spine last Monday. He tells me that there would be a possibility of losing my voice or having it change on me. If that happens it won't be the last change in me. I have been singing professionally for more than twenty years. I have been up and down the east coast a couple of times. My first love has always been music. But I also discovered that I really enjoy writing also. I have been sort of out in left field these last five days.

I am going to enjoy sharing music appreciation with everyone.I am also going to start getting up some other pages. Relevant info and other cool things. This is a work in progress. So I can just ask you to jump on the bus with me  and ...enjoy the ride........

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